Sunday, September 26, 2010

heavy back light

Recently, I've found myself in favor of pictures with heavy back light situations. Usually this isn't preferred because you can't see the details of your subject. But what if you don't want your subject to be really detailed? Just enough to let your mind fill in the the rest. Here's an example of a picture I took with a really bright background.

My subject (who chose to remain nameless) was asleep for this shot. This was taken with a 50mm f/1.8 at ISO 200 on a Canon 450D with a natural 10AM sunlight.


  1. I can definitely tell the f/1.8 with the foreground and background all adds a great effect.

  2. how come the flickr looks different from this picture?

    anyways, i like this upload if it's not the same.. d: the other one was too smooth to the point it looked unrealistic and distracting. if you moved more towards the left, i would see the light luminate the curves more on the shoulders (I think). the curtains is kind of annoying,but overall, good picture. (:

    heavy back light is beautiful, it's even better if you get a flash and play with that.. you make people look like angels and so on.

  3. yeah, i really wanna get a flash, but that means i have to spend money.....

  4. It's too bad that this is such an expensive hobby...that's why I have to work on one hobby at a time...
