Saturday, April 24, 2010

Enter the world of HDR my friends. If you have never heard of this photography style, here is the summary of what High Dynamic Range Imaging is all about: "A set of techniques that allow a greater dynamic range of luminances between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than standard digital imaging techniques or photographic methods. This wider dynamic range allows HDR images to more accurately represent the wide range of intensity levels found in real scenes, ranging from direct sunlight to faint starlight." - Wikipedia.

Basically have you ever taken a photo with the sun in your face? You'll notice that certain parts of the photo come out darker than others. What if you can evenly distribute the light to all areas of the photo? HDR allows qualities such as even light distribution to be injected into the photo. Most of the time HDR photos look synthetic, since the color map is so well represented. It is definitely worth experimenting. Let me know if you are interested in how to make one.