Wednesday, July 18, 2012

For those of you who are wondering what Google+ is all about, one of the bloggers on there posted this great description of what it is and what it isn't.

Google+ (This is not Facebook)


Saturday, July 7, 2012

These past few weeks, we have all gathered on an internet chat room to discuss the various issues encountered in light of current events. There has been more than a million lines of chat dialog exchanged between all of us (about a group of 12 or so people) and Caleb has summarized it very well for all of you out there. :D

Tom: Mac good!
Danny: Google good!
Caleb: EVERYONE sucks
Kirk: BSOD again dammit
Pablo: lolwut

Update:  Oh yeah, we also made use of Google+ Hangouts!  G+ Hangouts for the win!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Photographing Fireworks

I spent the evening watching fireworks and saw a lot of people attempting to take a decent snapshot with their point and shoot / DSLR.  Many just couldn't get the shot they wanted to.  So here are some simple steps.

1.) Attach your camera on a tripod.
2.) Set your camera to full manual.
3.) Set your ISO to 100 for minimal grain.  Set your aperture to f/11.
4.) For point and shoots, set your shutter speed to 4 seconds.  Take a snapshot and see how it looks.  Raise or lower shutter speed to your liking.
5.) For DSLRs, go into "Bulb" mode (where the shutter stays open as long as you hold down the shutter release button).  I used a shutter release cable (i.e. Canon RS60) to prevent potential camera shakes when I physically touch the shutter button on the camera.  When the rocket bursts, hold the shutter open.  When the light trails start to fade, release the shutter.

Easy as pie!  =)