Saturday, November 28, 2009

I haven't touched the flute in over 6 years. It was time to shake the dust off and play something. After playing some basic scales and warm up exercises to get the instrument into normal operating temperature, I had discovered that over the years there was a lot of skills lost. Gone were my phrasing abilities, air capacity, and in the end, I was more out of tune than Kenny G (inside joke). Slowly I remembered what it was like to fill the musical instrument up with air and began to make the sounds coming out of it feel somewhat full.

I found a great place for Final Fantasy sheet music and decided to play an excerpt of "Eyes On Me" from Final Fantasy VIII. I can't wait to join a local concert band once I get out of my current job and into a normal 8am-5pm job. It'll be refreshing to perform with others once again.

Friday, November 13, 2009

queen logo idea

This is just a logo idea for Queen when she becomes an optometrist!