Moving into the Vela house was quite an experience too. Finally we had space to breathe and everyone had their own room. It was the perfect party house as exemplified by our numerous hostings of UCSD Pepband parties. Alas, that was not meant to last as foreclosure was drawing near. Luckily we all stayed together and found ourselves at Menkar. This house is even bigger, but came with a dog smell that we will never get rid of. I felt we truly maximized our BBQing abilities this passed summer, grilling it up almost every night and rocking the house with our Rock Band 2 and Street Fighter 4 sessions. Working out great too, too bad we didn't stick with that lulz.
It's been a great 6 years or so living with these guys, but it's time to move out. Queen and I are moving back to La Jolla Del Sol, closer to both our workplaces. Now instead of a 10 mile commute, it'll be a 3 mile commute, probably on our bikes or utilizing the UCSD shuttle system. The future is definitely still uncertain. Queen's applying to go to optometry school and when she gets in, I'll be left by myself. Maybe we'll get the band back together again someday in the future.
Good luck to Chris who is taking over our spot in the house. I had the time of my life living with these people. Hope you will too.
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