Last week Pablo and I did sprints up a hill by our house at LOLblistering speeds for our level. I was way tired after the first one and I've been working out for a while now. Pablo had just started getting back into it so he was really feeling it. After we rested up for a few minutes we sprinted up the hill again. This time I was really tired and decided to take it easy. Pablo said he would too. Sure sure... Last sprint I took it way slower cuz I didn't want an injury, but Pablo just took off at a really fast speed. It was pretty much the funniest thing ever because towards the end Pablo started to lose his balance or something. He nearly fell when he was about to reach the top. He was hurting bad cuz both his butt cheeks cramped up. It was too funny. Pablo was in so much pain he couldn't move for like 5 mins just laying on the ground. I was ROFLing and thought my face was going to cramp from the hysteria. After he got up he wanted to walk a lap around our neighborhood (which is half a mile). I was like, are you sure man? You should probably just rest. Surely enough, when we got to the front of our house, Pablo couldn't take the pain anymore. Again, I was laughing too hard at this point that my sides were hurting.
I went inside to get him some water and told Jason the epic lulz. He was playing Street Fighter 4 so couldn't come out immediately, had to finish his match (of course). After his match Jason came out and we both were ROFLing at Pablo. It was the funniest thing I've experienced in a while. After 10 minutes of basically no movement from Pablo, we went inside and played Rock Band 2. Pablo didn't really have the energy to play, just kinda sat there motionless.
Kirk is telling everyone he knows about this story. It's going to be the next corn without the butter story.